Little Lift and Look Bugs

Kód: 9781474968812
189 Kč
Skladem (2 ks)

Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other bugs along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to discover and talk about on every page, from buzzy bees visiting flowers to a line of ants and munching caterpillars.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Follow a spotty ladybird as she explores outdoors, and lift petals and leaves to meet lots of other bugs along the way. This charming book for little children has lots to discover and talk about on every page, from buzzy bees visiting flowers to a line of ants and munching caterpillars.

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Knihy pro nejmenší (0-1,5 let)
Autor: Anna Milbourne
Vazba: tvrdá
Počet stran: 12
Doporučený věk: 10 měsíců +
Jazyk: anglický

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