Slovíčka a náslech

Pomozte dětem rozvíjet jejich slovní zásobu a naslouchací dovednosti v cizím jazyce s naší nabídkou her, knih a aktivit zaměřených na učení slovíček a trénink pozornosti. Tato kategorie podporuje děti v osvojení nových slov, porozumění významům a rozvíjení schopnosti naslouchat a reagovat na to, co slyší. Interaktivní knihy, obrázkové karty, stírací sešity, encyklopedie a další pomůcky nabízejí zábavné cesty, jak se děti mohou učit slova a zlepšovat naslouchání v každodenní komunikaci.


poppy first word
Poppy and Sam's First Word Book
Skladem (3 ks)
245 Kč
phonic flashcards
Phonics flashcards
Skladem (1 ks)
215 Kč
usborne listen and learn first english words w sound panel
Listen and Learn English
Skladem (1 ks)
450 Kč
Snímek obrazovky 2024 05 27 174249
1 470 Kč
9781409551836 cover image
299 Kč –14 %
My First Word Book
Skladem (2 ks)
Původně: 299 Kč  (–14 %)
255 Kč
german words
Listen And Learn First German Words
Skladem (1 ks)
450 Kč
My First Word Book About Nature
299 Kč –8 %
My First Word Book About Nature
Skladem (1 ks)
Původně: 299 Kč  (–8 %)
275 Kč
9781409596929 cover image
First Hundred Words German
Skladem (1 ks)
185 Kč
9781409596950 cover image
First Hundred Words Chinese
Skladem (1 ks)
185 Kč
Wipe-clean spelling 7-8
Skladem (1 ks)
210 Kč
12 položek celkem
Snímek obrazovky 2024 05 27 174249
1 470 Kč / ks

Tyto hmatové oblázky jsou ideální pro představování písmen a jejich zvuků a jsou odolné pro použití v písku, vodě a malých světech, uvnitř i venku.

9781409551836 cover image
299 Kč –14 %
My First Word Book
Skladem (2 ks)
255 Kč / ks

There are over 270 familiar words for children to spot and learn in this delightfully illustrated book. Each word is brought to life with a friendly illustration, and grouped...

german words
450 Kč / ks

This book is actually an interactive sound panel with topic cards to listen to 128 German words spoken by a native speaker. Simply take one of the four topic cards out of the...

poppy first word
245 Kč / ks

Each page in this delightful book features a scene full of things to spot and talk about on Apple Tree Farm, from feeding the hens and mending a tractor to having a picnic....

My First Word Book About Nature
299 Kč –8 %
275 Kč / ks

From squirrels and hedgehogs to sea horses and star fish, there are over 200 familiar words for children to discover and talk about in this delightful word book. Each word is...

9781409596929 cover image
185 Kč / ks

Young children can learn key German vocabulary in this German/English word book, with one hundred everyday words illustrated in busy scenes and with labelled pictures. Colourful...

9781409596950 cover image
185 Kč / ks

A Mandarin Chinese/English word book to help children learn key vocabulary, with one hundred everyday words illustrated in busy scenes and with labelled pictures. Colourful...

210 Kč / ks

Part of the Usborne Key Skills series that supports the English lessons children learn at school, this entertaining book is filled with prefix and suffix related activities,...

phonic flashcards
Phonics flashcards
Skladem (1 ks)
215 Kč / ks

Each card shows a picture of a familiar word, its alphabetical spelling and breakdown of its phonetic components, with one card for each of the 44 basic phonemes in English....

209 Kč / ks

Great learning resources for young children. 50 flashcards to help children master simple vocabulary. The cards can be used to play games, for self-testing, or simply be...

9781405320153 cover
Nursery Rhymes with CD
Skladem (2 ks)
279 Kč / ks

A treasury of nursery rhymes for children featuring 50 classic and favourite rhymes, to be read again and again.

usborne listen and learn first english words w sound panel
450 Kč / ks

A fun and interactive way for children to learn and listen to over 100 everyday English words spoken by a native speaker. Children will love selecting a card with illustrations...