That´s not my llama

Kód: 9781474921640
225 Kč –28 %
9781474921640 cover image
225 Kč –28 % 160 Kč
Skladem (1 ks)
Meet five adorable llamas in this exciting addition to the much-loved That's not my... series.

Detailní informace

Detailní popis produktu

Babies love the best-selling That’s not my… books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and a mouse to spot on every page, all designed to develop sensory and language awareness.


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Knihy pro nejmenší (0-1,5 let)
Doporučený věk: 3m+
Vazba: leporelo s hmatovými prvky

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